Loading Models
Import your existing ML models into Substratus.
You can for example use the Substratus provided substratusai/model-loader-huggingface
container image to load models into Substratus.
The below Model resource shows an example on how to load the falcon-7b-instruct model into substratus:
apiVersion: substratus.ai/v1
kind: Model
name: falcon-7b-instruct
name: substratusai/model-loader-huggingface
name: tiiuae/falcon-7b-instruct
In the model spec, you provide the container image location and the name of the HuggingFace model. The model-loader-huggingface downloads the model and stores it in a predefined location such that the model gets stored in a cloud storage bucket (e.g. a GCS bucket).
The Model status.url
will provide you with the cloud storage location
where the model is stored.
Loading a Model from HuggingFace
Run the following command to load the falcon-7b-instruct model:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/substratusai/substratus/main/examples/falcon-7b-instruct/base-model.yaml
Once you create the Model, it will create a K8s job to load the HuggingFace model into Substratus. This job will use the container image defined in the Model resource.
You can take a look at the logs of the job by running:
kubectl logs jobs/falcon-7b-instruct-modeller | tail -n 10
After about 5 minutes the job should finish and the Model resource should report the status to be ready. Verify by running:
kubectl describe model falcon-7b-instruct
# Name: falcon-7b-instruct
# Namespace: default
# Labels: <none>
# Annotations: <none>
# API Version: substratus.ai/v1
# Kind: Model
# Metadata:
# Creation Timestamp: 2023-07-15T02:46:05Z
# Generation: 1
# Resource Version: 14266797
# UID: 077198a0-32ec-4f07-9bc3-ba3a1f1a3729
# Spec:
# Image:
# Name: substratusai/model-loader-huggingface
# Params:
# Name: tiiuae/falcon-7b-instruct
# Status:
# Conditions:
# Last Transition Time: 2023-07-15T02:51:18Z
# Message:
# Observed Generation: 1
# Reason: JobComplete
# Status: True
# Type: Modelled
# Ready: true
# URL: gs://my-gcs-bucket-name/077198a0-32ec-4f07-9bc3-ba3a1f1a3729/
# Events: <none>
You can see the Model status.url
field reports the location of where the model is saved.
You have now successfully loaded a HuggingFace model in Substratus and can use that model in other Substratus resources such as the Server resource.
Loading models from other sources
If needed you can provide your own container image as long as it meets the container contract defined by Substratus. For now please file an Issue on GitHub to request other images.
Next steps
- Follow the serving models walkthrough to launch a model inference server.
- Follow the loading datasets walkthrough to prepare a dataset for fine-tuning.
- Follow the fine-tuning models walkthrough to produce a customized model.